LeagueLeader Report - Team Standings Report for LWF21 - WEDNESDAY

Team Standings Report for LWF21 - WEDNESDAY

Report Date: 3/20/2022 8:20 AM

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

Team Win % Games Wins Losses
Division: A
MELON BALLZ 61.1 252 154 98
M AND G 54.4 252 137 115
BANMITCHED 52.1 240 125 115
GREENWOOD GOONES 51.7 240 124 116
DAGGER TEAM 43.3 240 104 136
WHATS THE POINT 31.0 168 52 116

Last Match Results

Team Against Date Week Games Wins Losses Forfeits
BANMITCHED WHATS THE POINT 3/09/2022 12 12 7 5 0
MELON BALLZ M AND G 3/16/2022 18 12 7 5 0
DAGGER TEAM MELON BALLZ 3/09/2022 22 12 6 6 0
GREENWOOD GOONES M AND G 3/09/2022 22 12 6 6 0
M AND G MELON BALLZ 3/16/2022 18 12 5 7 0
WHATS THE POINT BANMITCHED 3/09/2022 12 12 5 7 0

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