LeagueLeader Report - Team Standings Report for DSF22 - SUNDAY

Team Standings Report for DSF22 - SUNDAY

Report Date: 3/05/2023 11:35 AM

Team Standings, sorted by Percent Wins

Team Win % Games Wins Losses
Division: A
BULLISTIC 67.0 352 236 116
DID YOU SAY SHOTS 59.7 352 210 142
SOLO 13 53.7 352 189 163
JABRONIES 52.3 352 184 168
ALCOHOL FUELED 50.0 352 176 176
NO BULLS HIT 48.0 352 169 183
STRANGER DARTS 47.7 352 168 184
UNDERDOGS 45.7 352 161 191
JUST THE TIP 40.3 352 142 210
AVERAGE THROWS 35.5 352 125 227

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